Biomechanics -- Drinking Coffee
Every morning I drink my coffee.
First I flex my arm at the shoulder to reach for the mug in the sagittal plane
about the frontal axis. Then I simultaneously flex at the elbow and extend at
the shoulder to bring the mug towards my face. Both of these actions are done
in the sagittal plane about the frontal axis. Finally, I perform ulnar
deviation or abduction at the wrist in the frontal plane about the sagittal
axis to tilt the mug so that I can take a sip.
When performing elbow flexion, the
prime movers are the biceps brachii, the brachialis, and the brachioradialis,
and they all concentrically contract. In this open kinematic chain, the humerus forms the fixed convex
surface, and the olecranon of the ulna forms the moving concave surface. The
surface of the olecranon moves anteriorly on the surface of the humerus. The
head of the radius is also a concave surface moving on the fixed convex surface
of the humerus, so the surface of the radial head also glides anteriorly on the
surface of the humerus.
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