Health Promotion

            In Dr. Flick’s lesson on health promotion, we learned about the different levels of interventions that promote health in the community. In primary intervention, the aim is to prevent disease or injury before it occurs. Secondary intervention is trying to detect disease or injury early so that the effects can be lessened or prevented. Finally, tertiary interventions occur when the disability or disease is already present, and the aim is to improve the quality of life for the client.

            I think the biggest take-away from today’s lecture and the assigned readings is the role that occupational therapists can play in promoting health. We have a unique role where we can match our clients’ preferences and desires with activities that promote health. It is also crucial that we ensure the client’s understanding of intervention options. It made me so sad to watch the video of the clients who did not understand what their doctors were saying or prescribing for them, and it is important that every healthcare professional try to take the steps necessary to educate our clients. 


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